Tuesday, January 8, 2008


It's time for another workout! Make sure you record your thoughts and experience below so we can feed off of each other's workouts and learn from each other.

Again from www.bodyforlife.com, the weight lifting program. The beauty to this is you can do much of this at home with minimal investment:

Official Body-for-LIFE Weight-Training Plan
Weight train intensely, three times per week on alternating days with aerobic exercise three times per week. Make sure to hit your "high points" during your workout.
  • Alternate training the major muscles of the upper and lower body.
  • Perform two exercises for each major muscle group of the upper body.
  • Select one exercise and conduct five sets with it, starting with a set of 12 reps, then increasing the weight and doing 10 reps, adding more weight and doing 8 reps, adding more weight for 6 reps.
  • Then reduce the weight and do 12 reps.
  • Immediately perform another set of 12 reps for that muscle group using the second selected exercise.
    For each muscle group, rest for one minute between the first four sets.
  • Then complete the final two sets with no rest in between, wait two minutes before moving on to your next muscle group, complete this pattern five times for the upper body training experience and four times for the lower body training experience.
  • Always plan your training before hand.
  • Record all your weightlifting exercised in a journal indicating the exercise selected and weight lifted.
  • Visit http://www.bodyforlife.com/exercise/weighttraining.asp for a list of areas to workout

For more details download this file: http://www.bodyforlife.com/exercise/downloads/exercise_guide.pdf


GoOrange said...

Yesterday's Workout: Day 6/25

Weights: Incline bench press, reverse grip bent over rows, shoulder press, pullups,close grip bench press, barbell curls, crunches.

Time: 1.5 hours

We're having a warm spell here in Upstate New York. For some reason it gave me all kinds of energy to do a lot more exercises than normal. Today looks to be another nice day and I can't wait to get to the gym later.

dcm said...

Today was lower body weight lifting - I skipped running due to smacking my knee last night and it hurt pretty bad.

Leg Press
Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Standing Calf

I followed the Body For Life method which is very time efficient and finished in 40 mins.

Danacea said...

This morning, I moved from a basic freeweights upper body workout to the 'targeted muscle group' machines, doing pyramids: aiming for 20 reps at 40%, rest, 10 reps at 60% and then 1 - 3 at 90%. This is always bracketed by a full 30mins of cardio and stretches at the beginning and then a proper warmdown at the end. I'm not quite hitting my quota at the moment - but it gives me something to aim for and it's an easy routine to improve so I don't plateau.

Sonya Buyting said...

Ran on the treadmill yesterday and I plan to do the same today. This comes after a relative poor showing for me this weekend. Keeping the momentum going is tough!! Just knowing this challenge and blog were here was enough to get me back on track. Okay - my will did have something to do with it.

GoOrange said...

Today: Day 7/25

Weights: Squats, Romanian deadlift, lunges, hanging power cleans, calf press, twist crunches.

I did very light weights for sets of 15 reps with less than a minute rest between sets. Very difficult aerobically. I'm exhausted!

Wicked Stepmom said...

18 minutes cardio on treadmill... had to cut it short b/c Gretel woke up prematurely. :-/

Suki Fuller said...

Swimming and loving it. Less stress on my knees even though it is a beautiful night out.

10 lengths- Just over .25 mile (apparently 32 lengths is 1.0 mile)

Erica Ortiz said...


Monday, I went a little too over-zealous on the squat weights. Tuesday, I could hardly lift my legs. But I figured that I could "walk it out" and they'd loosen up for me to do a new program at the gym I hadn't heard of before: Body Attack. It was explained to me as being a circuit training program, which included a lot of pushups, sit-ups, etc. What they didn't say is it is more aerobic and running than anything. My legs HATE me this morning... OUCH!

I'm going to attempt the Body Pump class tonight, but at feather weight in the squat/lunges tracks... gotta try to work on the upper body while my lower body recovers!

Brooke (Geokitten78) said...

My workout for 01/08/07:

65 minute walk/run on the treadmill for ~4.3 miles. I finally got the soreness out of my legs from Sunday's workout!

I'd like to make note that I have done something physically for an entire week straight. I think this might possibly be the first time I have ever done that in my life!

Super thanks to you guys for the support on this blog. Knowing you all have made a commitment has helped me keep mine :-)